Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Today is the tomorrow we thought about yesterday...

I'm beginning to feel it - that buzz of joy that inhabits the air this time of year. It's my absolute favorite. Is it really almost Christmas? This past year seems to have flown by so quickly! They always do, don't they?

This year has been one of learning and growing for me; both experiences are often painful and difficult, but the refinement has been nothing but beneficial.

Living in the moment - one hurdle I'm still trying to clear. It's so easy to become absorbed with what's to be done in the future and dream and wonder and live in Lala Land, but then minutes are wasted that you can't get back. I'm working on appreciating every second and keeping my mind in the present.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today's trouble is enough for today." -Matthew 6:33-34

Life is more enjoyable when meaningless worries are cast upon the Lord and the focus is placed on praising and glorifying Him. He's so good. That word doesn't do justice, but what word does? He's amazing-wonderful-awesome-loving-gracious-fogiving-jealous-mighty-worthy-incredible! And I'm madly in love with Him :-)

1 comment:

Michaela said...

i just noticed you updated!! yay!